Considerations for Choosing a Range Hood

Benefits of Range Hoods

Range hoods offer a lot of benefits when installed in your kitchen, keep reading to see some examples. Kitchen range hoods can make a big difference in the enjoyment of cooking, but also the air quality in your kitchen. Sometimes overlooked, a range hood is truly one of the most important appliances in your kitchen.…


How To Restore Wrought Iron

Wrought iron can last a lifetime but it does need maintenance on a regular basis. It is susceptible to rusting that over time can destroy the material, rendering it weak and unusable. The following steps will help you to restore anything you have made from wrought iron. Wrought Iron Restoration Process Firstly take a dry…

Range Hood Installation Cost

How Much Does Range Hood Installation Cost?

How Much Does Range Hood Installation Cost? Range hood installation costs about $750 with average prices of installation ranging from $400 to $1,500 in the US for 2020, according to Fixr. Range hood installation time is about 2 hours with an average time of installation ranging from 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours, according to Prolinerangehoods.…

Considerations for Choosing a Range Hood

Types of Range Hoods

If you’re searching for different types of range hoods, this post should help! Here we discuss the different types of range hoods and their many features. If you are in the middle of a kitchen remodel or perhaps updating older appliances, one thing you may want to purchase is a vent hood. There are many…

How To Patina Metal

What Is Metal Patina?

Patina can be a confusing term as it has become an industry catchphrase for metalworking and applies to other industries like furniture.  New products are being sold with “patina finishes” all the time and it makes it hard for consumers to know exactly what patina means. What is Patina Patina is a general term that…